Major enhancements in System.IO.FileSystem for .NET nanoFramework

We are thrilled to announce a series of significant improvements to the System.IO.FileSystem in .NET nanoFramework, designed to enhance your development experience and broaden the scope of your projects. These updates bring more power, flexibility, and efficiency to your fingertips, allowing you to push the boundaries of what you can achieve with the .NET nanoFramework. … Continue reading Major enhancements in System.IO.FileSystem for .NET nanoFramework

Welcome Silabs Giant Gecko!

We are expanding (again) the list of hardware platforms on which .NET nanoFramework can run. We are also excited to announce a new supported RTOS. Ladies and gentlemen please welcome Silicon Labs Giant Gecko S1, running .NET nanoFramework on top of Azure RTOS ThreadX. This announcement is even more important to the project, because all … Continue reading Welcome Silabs Giant Gecko!

PalThree board becomes Azure Certified Device

Today we're very proud to announce that the very 1st device running .NET nanoFramework has achieve the status of Azure Certified Device and is also certified for IoT Plug and Play! That’s the PalThree board from Orgpal. PalThree features an STM32F7, with external RAM and flash storage and packs a lot of features in a … Continue reading PalThree board becomes Azure Certified Device

VS Code Extension for .NET nanoFramework

We’re just adding a brand new extension to VS Code to enjoy .NET nanoFramework on multiple platforms. When I write multiple platforms, read Windows, Linux and MacOS. .NET nanoFramework was historically only working on Windows and with Visual Studio. That was it. The key reasons were historic, coming from .NET MicroFramework, as tools were only … Continue reading VS Code Extension for .NET nanoFramework

Unit Test Framework? Yes, we have that too.

Today, I am extremely excite to announce that we have just released the initial version of our Unit Test framework! Yes, Unit Test, like in… Unit Tests! Because it is powered by Visual Studio Test Platform, you’ll find the attributes that you’re used to decorate your test classes. Neat! I believe you will find this … Continue reading Unit Test Framework? Yes, we have that too.

.NET nanoFramework has joined the .NET Foundation!

We have some great news to share: .NET nanoFramework has reached an important milestone by joining the .NET Foundation! This is kind of a “return home” for the project. Despite being, undoubtedly, connected to .NET because of its roots, the programming language, and the tools it uses, it was not exactly part of the family. … Continue reading .NET nanoFramework has joined the .NET Foundation!