Support for Visual Studio 2019: check!

Last week we’ve published nanoFramework extension for Visual Studio 2019. Right on time before the official launch event on April 2, 2019. 😉

Being Visual Studio a corner stone in nanoFramework development experience, we wanted to show not only our commitment to our growing community by enabling them to keep up with Visual Studio release schedule, but also our appreciation to the Visual Studio team for providing us such an awesome tool.

With the release of the VS2019 version the extension for VS2017 will enter in maintenance mode. This means that we won’t be adding any new features to it. Only bug fixes and we’ll port also any fundamental changes that are required to keep up with new features that cause breaking changes.

As for the VS2019 extension, lots of good stuff is on the queue. We have plans to improve network configuration dialog, provide target updates right from Visual Studio and support for Unit Test.

Now go watch the launch event, install nanoFramework extension as soon as you get your VS2019 setup and stay tuned for exciting developments.

Follow us on Twitter, subscribe our YouTube channel and rate the extension on the marketplace. Do send your comments and suggest new features.

To wrap up, the usual punch: feel free to contribute with code, samples or any productive work to help the project and the community.

Have fun with the new VS2019 and nanoFramework!

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