.NET nanoFramework Blog

One small ‘step’ for a debugger, one giant leap for the embedded world!!

Today the nanoFramework project hit a major milestone: we’ve released a new version of our Visual Studio extension. What's so special about that I hear you ask... Well it is the first one with the capability of debugging managed code! Many will think that this is not a big feat, but it is. It has … Continue reading One small ‘step’ for a debugger, one giant leap for the embedded world!!

I’m Framework, nanoFramework

You're probably thinking: "what the heck is nanoFramework?" Our vision for it is to be a platform that enables the writing of managed code applications for constrained embedded devices. Developers can harness a familiar IDE such as Visual Studio and their .NET (C#) knowledge to quickly write applications without having to worry about the low level hardware intricacies of a … Continue reading I’m Framework, nanoFramework